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Nutritional Cooking
"She is a consummate, compassionate professional who takes a personal interest in your well-being.

Over the 27 years that I have been a Type 1 diabetic, I was only once able to realize an A1c less that 8.0. It has consistently been in the 9.0 to 11.0 range. I am proud to say that my first A1c after becoming Stephanie’s client was 7.8. With Stephanie’s guidance and continued follow-ups, I remain committed to myself and better health."

-Richard (Read the full story here. It will make you cry.)

"(Stephanie) provided information and feedback, plus suggestions and goals! The most significant change overall is my increased knowledge of food, herbs, and supplements."


Image by Conscious Design
"Stephanie (Rediscover Health) has replaced other self-care professionals for me by deeply listening...

...identifying my specific needs and recommending appropriate fixes.  I think about, remember or realize something Stephanie taught me every day."


"Stephanie was very personable and thorough. You can tell in her consultation that she is very knowledgeable on nutrition, foods, vitamins and the correlation with health issues. She helped me realize things my body was needing and it made sense. She loves what she does and it shows. I highly recommend her."


"The biggest change I have seen is my self love...

My goal to loose weight is no longer a goal, it has shifted to being the healthiest version of myself, despite what the scales tell me or what my Jean size is. I have learned to love the body I am in while still enjoying the foods I that I love and have zero guilt about it. All I want is to be healthy and if I loose weight with that then that’s a plus but at the end of the day the biggest change I have seen is myself love and not having guilt around foods."


Image by S O C I A L . C U T Cook book

"Stephanie is an amazing Health Coach!!! She cares!!! She gets down to what is going on with you!!! So very very knowledgeable!!! Hands down the best!!!

She has a true passion for this. It is not just a job, she wants to change lives , one by one!!!."


"Rediscover Health helped put me on the path to better health.


Stephanie’s knowledge of nutrition and general healthy lifestyle principles gave me direction as to how to incorporate changes into my busy hectic life."



Rediscover Health LLC

Hurricane, WV 25526

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Disclaimer: This website contains medical information. The medical information is not advice and should not be treated as such. I am not a physician; I am a nutritionist and health coach. The information included on this site is not a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider before altering your diet, starting or changing your exercise routine, taking any supplements, starting any new treatment or making changes to existing treatment.


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